Friday, May 28, 2004

The Book Tour Begins!

I'll be in Chillicothe Illinois this weekend for Moe.'s Summer Camp with such notables as Keller Williams, Medeski Martin and Wood, and Particle. Cant' wait. I'll be there with books and my new "business cards" so hope there's a lot of sci-fi fans!

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Bush Speech Writer

Yes now you too can write Bush's monosyllabic speechs and hear them too! Try it HERE

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

A Failed Presidency Summed Up in a Single Story

I openly admit I stole this whole cloth from which is a terrific blog. This story really kinda sums up what a fucking jerk-off Shrub really is. It's not really an important story, but it's really telling.

Here's the official story line from Crawford:
President Bush took a spill during a Saturday afternoon bike ride on his ranch, suffering bruises and cuts that were visible later on his face just two days before he was to deliver a major prime-time speech on his Iraq policy.
The president was nearing the end of a 17-mile ride on his mountain bike, accompanied by a Secret Service agent, a military aide and his personal physician, Richard Tubb, who treated him at the scene, said White House spokesman Trent Duffy.

"It's been raining a lot and the topsoil is loose," Duffy said. "You know this president. He likes to go all-out. Suffice it to say he wasn't whistling show tunes."

So it's been raining a lot in Crawford, we are told. So here's the recent precipitation levels from Crawford:
May 22: 0"
May 21: 0"
May 20: 0"
May 19: 0"
May 18: 0"
May 17: 0"
May 16: 0"
May 15: 0"
May 14: 0.03"
May 13: 2.79"
May 12: 0"
May 11: 0.15"
May 10: 0"
May 9: 0"
May 13th saw some serious rain, but other than some sprinkles on the 14th, Crawford saw nothing but sun. In the last week alone, the temperature was in the high 80s the entire time.
So rain on the 13th and (barely) 14th was blamed for a Bush fall on the 22nd. As everything else, it wasn't Bush's fault. Nothing is Bush's fault.



Sunday, May 23, 2004

A Much Better Theory

Alex Cockburn, writer for the excellent, has written a very interesting article on his take of the Ahmed Chalabi reversal of fortune. His theory is, I have to admit, more than a tad bit more likely (not to mention plausible) than my own of yesterday. Read it here.

I just wanted to send Michael Moore my congrats on winning the Palm D'Or at the Cannes Film Festival for his new movie Farenheit 911! I can't goddamn wait to see it! The best news? Mike says he has every intention of making sure it comes out on DVD before the November Election. If Bushy isn't afraid, he should be.