Friday, October 28, 2005


Okay, so the whole administration isn't going down- yet. But be patient. This thing isn't over- not by a long shot. This is how it works- you chip away and little by little the dam of scum will break. Clearly the Fitzter is a pretty cautious guy- but we knew that. I think the important thing is that there is still going to be an ongoing investigation. If that ends up getting dropped, then we can start howling. Until then. See ya Scooter. Have a nice day. You Dick.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Best Week Ever??

Indictments are coming.
Miers is bumming.
White Sox win the World Series- Fuck Texas!!

The only stain on this terrific week is the terrible casualty count but once those indictments roll in at least there will be some sense that the monsters who perpetrated the all around Iraq atrocity will pay for their sins.
Oh yeah one more time
FUCK TEXAS!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

2000 American Soldiers Lost Over Oil and Lies- I can't wait for these Fuckers to get indicted.


Thanks to Billmon for this graphic illustration.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Pwezident Bush is Qwanky.

Apparantly having his entire White House fall down around his ears is making wittle pwesident Bush a trifle qwanky at his staff and senior leaders. Awww.
Here's the world's smallest violin to play a tune for ya.
I got an idea!!
Why don't you just resign!!!!
Then you can have all the nappies you want.
Won't that be nice?