Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Fire the Shrub

Bush spoke today, refusing to allow his employees to testify under oath.
Unless he plans to have them lie- there's no reason to allow an interview and not allow them to speak under oath. Called it a fishing expedition. What an asshole.
The gauntlet has been thown.

The irony of the fact he'll go to court over this, the same branch of government he's being accused of "fixing" politically- and then will say, see, they said we're cool.

I really, really, really really, reaalllyyy hope the pansy ass democrats finally grow a spine, pick up the gauntlet and whack him upside the head with it. At this point it is plain, either Bush is the King of America, answerable to no one, or we should all just drop this silly pretence of democracy and admit we now live in a one-branch governmental bureaucratic dictatorship.

Watch the News Conference

It's true, US Attorneys no longer serve at the pleasure of the President.
Guess what assface.
You serve at the pleasure of us.
30% approval or less.