Sunday, March 29, 2009


I am very pleased to announce I've finished the first "readable" draft of my tenth novel, We Can See Through the Machines. The first rought draft was finished about a month ago on 2/24/09. It is the 7th novel in the Incarnations of the Americas series- all of which I hope to release by the end of the year.

Before the big 7 book re-edit- I am going to be turning my short story trilogy "Kenny G Must Die" into a short novel- probably about 75,000 words or so. It will expand and change the storyline a bit with much more details about the oddly familiar world of Aliester Crewley- data entry engineer by day, powerful sorcerer by night.

More at

Friday, November 07, 2008

The Darkness and the Light- Election Day 2008 in America

The election went down- the most historic electoral event of my lifetime. Barack Obama was elected President of the United States.

Like millions of others, I don’t know what the future brings. But, for the first time in eight very long, very hard to deal with years- I feel hope.

I listened to a woman talking today at my job- I work in a hospital- she was talking about the difference between hopes and wishes.

Her name is Dr. Dr. works with the parents of dying children. She told the story of a girl in a wheelchair- dying of cancer- eight days after this conversation, the girl was dead.

As part of her research, Dr. asked the girl, “What are you hoping for?”

The girl answered, “I’m hoping I’ll get up and I’ll be able to dance around, that my legs will carry me again and I’ll be able to fly through the air like a bird. All my friends and family will be able to sit in a theatre and watch me while I dance good enough to make Baryshnikov blush.”

The girl stopped. She considered for a moment. She said. “You know what, that’s not what I hope. That’s what I wish. There’s a difference you know. A wish is something I want to happen that’s impossible in the world as it is.”

She paused, and then continued, “In the world as it is... I’m going to die. But in the world as it could be- I can dance- my legs are strong- I’m going to get better. But that’s just a wish. What I hope for- what I think is possible- in the world as it is- is that I will feel less pain and be able to sleep better.”

Hope and wishes are different. Hope is real, wishes are not. You hope for things in the world as it is. Wishes require the world to become something new.

That’s the truly astounding thing about democracy- what makes it the greatest system humans have yet invented to govern themselves.

With a single collective action we turned a wish into a hope- a political alchemy of the most profound sort. With a single ballot we turned our backs on the past 8 years and as President Elect Obama said in his nomination speech, “Enough.”

We really are incredibly lucky to have such an opportunity. Literally billions have died without it over the years.

We could say, we demand an end to the Iraq war. We want tax relief to someone who isn’t rich or have Inc. at the end of their name. How about some Supreme Court nominees who’ve actually read the Constitution, or at least care what it says.

Before November 4th- these things were wishes. The world where they happened was impossible. Universal healthcare was as likely during the Bush administration as the Banks being able to regulate themselves without causing an economic meltdown. Or leprechauns.

But now, just like that, because of the mysterious brilliance of the simple collective will of a people, these impossible things, these wishes, are hopes again. I suddenly live in a world where my country doesn’t believe in wars without cause- or torture- or extreme rendition- or the philosophy that says the rich should see all of the spoils for the simple act of being rich. I live in America again, a place I can hope. And it’s all because of democracy.

But all things have a flipside- the Tao shows us that. Things are dual natured. Even democracy. Even wishes and hopes.

Because on the same day we did this wonderful thing, electing Barack Obama, in that same breath in the state of California- a single vote turned a hope back into a wish for an entire group of people. Like Cinderella at midnight, the protection of equal rights for homosexuals turned back into a pumpkin. People who were married- married- legally- in front of a justice of the peace. Now, magically, these people are no longer married. Human beings choosing to dedicate their lives to each other are banned because people think it’s icky or because they think it’s a sin. It’s disgusting. And yet, it too is democracy.

All of the rights that go along with marriage- stolen- mostly because of Mormon carpetbaggers and people who think the earth is 6,000 years old. While one wound healed, we tore one open a new one, fresh. Banning a right you’ve not yet granted is appalling enough (as they did – banning gay marriage in 2 other states), but giving a right, and then taking it away- that’s almost worse. That’s coldness and cynicism on a level even I, a cynical person, can only look at with utter astonishment.

There is no doubt in my mind in 20 years, maybe more, hopefully much less, society will look at what happened in California in horror. And there’s also no doubt in my mind some new group of people will be the new boogeyman- the new thing for the fearful to see going bump in the night. It seems there’s a never ending supply of things to be afraid of- but

But, as long as democracy keeps working, it means we’ll get another chance next time. Society will have time to heal, and to learn, and there will be another vote. Let’s not take 300 years this time though, okay?

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Obama's winning a landslide.

We Did It.

Good job America.
Ya did good.

Woo hoo!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sarah Palin on SNL

I just watched the clips of Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live and I'm just sorta stunned. It wasn't playful or satirical in the normal, safe SNL sense. Instead, it was wonderfully, wonderfully, visciously mean. And Sarah just sorta went with it. I mean they shot a fuckin moose while she sat bobbing her head- yelling out Eskimos, which to my understanding, isn't what the Inuit prefer to be called anymore- that can't play well back home. They rapped (and it was all white people rapping around her- which I think was meant as another little dig) "I built a bridge and it didn't go nowhere"- meanwhile Sarah Clueless sat in the middle of it and bobbed her head. Alec Baldwin mocked her to her face and she made some lame remark about the born again Baldwin in retort. The bit Tina Fey was doing about her was as usual spot on- and again- really mean.
It should be mean, and not just because I disagree with her on the issues. It should be mean because Sarah Palin is offensive. She represents something that I find legitimately disgusting in American culture - fear of intelligence and the championing of the ignorant. Palin is offensive just as Bush is offensive. Why do the Republicans keep foisting morons into the position of the presidency? Okay, so McCain reversed the equation- just like Poppy Bush did with Danny Potatoe. It seems the Republicans think the President is the country's head cheerleader- that the decision's the President makes don't have real consequences. In other words, the Republicans don't think being President REQUIRES intelligence. She's had plenty of time to be coached- the idea this woman is going to be so close to the Presidency is horrifying- she's never gotten through a single interview where follow-up questions weren't allowed. She can repeat a talking point, but if you push, she's even less capable of presenting a rational statement than Bush is.
I realize the whole SNL thing was scripted- but wow- what were McCain's people doing letting her do that? They should've expected it- they never should've returned the calls. If they were going to let her do it they shoud've written her a part where she makes some witty intelligent comeback/explanation as to why she's not dealing with the press- at least a reference to the "Liberal media" or something- but nadda- zip- zilch. She just stood there while people made fun of her straight to her face.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Thanks alot Texas and Ohio (and to a lesser extent, Rhode Island)

(Before reading this you should know I don't really like Obama any more than I like Hillary- but I do have a strong dislike of McCain and its my concern over his being elected that prompts the following)
Well, the Democrats have managed to do it again. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. All I could do was watch and shake my head in annoyance as 2 1/2 states managed to magically overrule a 12 state winning streak in the eyes of the media. If I didn't know better, I'd think they had a stake in the horse race continuing... oh, wait.
So, since the people in Texas and Ohio are apparantly too racist to vote for Obama or at the very least too stupid to know what letting Hillary win would mean (for the primary race- if the situation was reversed and Obama was behind I'd feel the same way), the race now drags out for another month or so with both candidates turning more and more negative- while McCain continues to get himself serviced by our hooker media.
This reeks of Mondale/Hart and it makes my head hurt. The Democratic establishment is clearly afraid of Obama and they're going to crucify him- even if it means ruining either candidates chances of winning in the process. I'm not really sure what they're so worried about- it certainly isn't his positions on the issues- which means it probably goes back to the one thing that seems to rule everything in our broken democracy- the MONEY! Obama, like Dean before him, is raising money from people, not from the rich- and there's nothing the establishment hates more than ordinary people or candidates who are actually appealing to us.
And clearly Hillary doesn't give a fuck- she wants to be president and she'll flame the whole party if that's what it takes. The past few weeks has made it pretty obvious there's no limit on how far she'll go- which you'd think would worry the establishment- but it doesn't seem to- which is weird.
Anyway, prepare for months of Obama is a Muslim innuendo and watch as our prestige in the rest of the world finds an even lower opinion of us. Good job Ohioian Texans- the rubes win again!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Hunter S. Thompson 2.0

If you like the way Hunter Thompson (RIP you nutty bastard) wrote about politics, and you aren't reading Matt Taibbi- you're really missing out. Mr. Taibbi writes for Rolling Stone- Thompson's old rag- and he does just as good a job of cutting through the bullshit and laying bare the decrepit bones of American Politics. In a rare bit of corporate largesse- you can read a lot of his stuff for free on the RS website.
A link to his latest piece here. It's about the Democrats and not ending the war- telling us the soldiers have to keep dying for no reason until 2009- when presumably the country will have elected more democrats.
The final 2 paragraphs are as follows:
"How much of this bullshit are we going to take? How long are we supposed to give the Reids and Pelosis and Hillarys of the world credit for wanting, deep down in their moldy hearts, to do the right thing?
Look, fuck your hearts, OK? Just get it done. Because if you don't, sooner or later this con is going to run dry. It may not be in '08, but it'll be soon. Even Americans can't be fooled forever. "
Amen brother.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


John McCain was just on Meet the Press talking about his immigration policy. McCain said he would "round up" the 2 MILLION illegal aliens who have committed a crime- and deport them. He said it casually, offhandedly, like, ho-hum, I'm gonna raid 2 MILLION houses and "round up" people.

Keep in mind this is the same guy who said he wants to be in Iraq for 100 years. No matter who wins the democratic nomination- they should play that clip, along with the one about how McCain professes an ignorance about economics. Just play them, alternating, on a loop until November.

Oh, and to anyone who's all yippy skippy about the "tax refund" checks- you're dumb.