Friday, October 01, 2004

Kerry beat Bush's ass.

Well, 12 hours after the debates and the Media Powers That Be are already doing their best to obfusicate the following polls taken after the debate by people who actually watched it:

73% Kerry
21- shrub
64% Kerry
What a shock- no poll about who won?! Fair and balanced my left nut.
45% Kerry
89% Kerry
-yet the headlines on CBS say- "Experts rate debate a draw" Assholes.
Kerry did what he needed to do- he CLEARLY and CONCISELY explained how Bush was a stubborn moron who is unable to change his position because he's an ideological nutbar. By the end of the debate Bush was throwing a mini-temper tantrum- making faces, slouching over, pausing for a long long time, struggling even to repeat the 4 or 5 memorized phrases he had in his bag of tricks. OK we know it's hard work. The flip-flopping thing fell on it's face- Kerry answered the "multiple position" theory very well although already this morning the Bush Puppeteers are working like mad to reestablish it.
I still don't like Kerry- but at least he finaly showed he's at least competent enough to pummel the shit out of an unarmed man. That's been my biggest problem all along- I honestly believe my cat should be able to beat Bush quite handily- he's the worst President- possibly in US history. Hiring Clinton's people was the smartest thing Kerry has done- they're earning their no-doubt enormous paychecks.
The VIce-President debate should be fun too. I want to hear the word Halliburton in every sentence Edwards says.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

The Cloud inside Bush's Silver Lining

Tonight in the debate our idiot president is going to say things are going well in Iraq. I even believe he believes it.
Check this out. (its an NPR audio story)
"We take a close look at the number of soldiers injured in Iraq. More than 7,500 have been wounded in action but 20,000 have become so injured or sick from a variety of causes that they've had to be taken to hospitals in Europe and the United States."

Take off your Rose Colored Glasses President Johnson, er, Bush.