Saturday, March 20, 2004

War Protests and War Coverage

2 quick things. First, I went to the anti-war protest in Chicago today. (Worldwide there were millions marching today) The crowd wasn't as big as last year, I'd guess 10-20,000 people, it's hard to estimate, but I do know we filled the streets from end to end for 8-9 city blocks, it wasn't as big as the protest a year ago, but it was a beautiful day, people were nice, and the cops, although dressed like Storm Troopers (or as one speaker described them Hockey Players) behaved themselves and curbed any neandrathal tendencies they may have felt. Also, I met Jessie Jackson. Not extensively, he walked by I shook his hand and said hello, he said, "Have a good day." Still, it was pretty neat.
Second, I wrote the other day about Chomsky, and how Chomsky's understanding of the media makes deconstructing the crap they put on CNN easier. The crux of his argument concerns the self-censorship that has so brilliantly been woven into our system. Now a reporter, a brave guy named Harvey Rice explains exactly how it worked for him in his coverage of the Iraq war, but don't listen to me, read it for yourself.

Friday, March 19, 2004

MSNBC and "Photo Propoganda"

Check out this bit of political propoganda.

You'll notice there are no American casualties. The only Iraqi casualty shown was killed by a terrorist bomb. Out of 30 pictures: 8 show US troops being either brave or compassionate. The only Iraqi body killed by us is showing only the hands. The one US casualty that's mentioned shows a family member reacting to the news. No mention there was 571 other phone calls last year for the same reason. Not one picture of one of our own wounded of which there's been 3,254 as of 3/19. The truth is that war isn't in any way glorious. There is no victory. Only the succession of violence. If you haven't read Chomsky on why these are the pictures MSNBC chose, you can here.


Bush's Speech about Iraq and Terrorism on 3/19/2004
He's about to begin, I'm gonna assume what he says is going to be stupid. Let's see, shall we?
He's standing in front of a whole bunch of world flags, like he's talking to the UN.
He says anyone not with us isn't worried about terrorism. Idiot.
Terrorists "Murder at random and without remorse." Yes, so do cluster bombs and Depleted Uranium Munitions.
He's kissing Spains ass. "The civilized world is at war." "THEY've targeted Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan." Not us, them; we've not targeted Muslims.
Each attack must be answered...with greater determination. deeper resolve and bolder action."
He keeps saying "fight" and "destroy."
Says Terrorists give less value on life while we have AN ENTIRE ARMY occupying a 2 countries.
"We must be certain of convictions. We do love life." Who's he trying to convince? Himself?
"There's no neutral ground between good and evil, freedom and slavery, life and death." ORWELL ORWELL ORWELL.
He still hasn't learned why they're mad at us. "No accomodation will satisfy their endless demands." That's crap. Ask the IRA.
He's trying to link AlQueda to every terrorist on the whole planet, like they have tea together or something.
He keeps listing countries that are our "allies" like Howard Dean listing the states in his infamous speech. WHoo HAAA.
He mentions that Pakistan sold nuclear stuff to Iran, yet they're our allies?!
He's trying to say that things aren't a total mess in Afghanistan. It's a nightmare there. The government only exists in the capital city Kabul. Everything else is controlled by warlords. "That nation has a democratic government????? Warlords are democratic now?
Says we entered Iraq to uphold UN sanctions. Does he say they had WMD? NO. No he did not. FUCKER! This man is such a lying asshole, I can't even stand it. Why aren't people throwing tomatoes at him?
"There's still violent thugs and murderers in Iraq." Yeah. Us. "Do we want the oppressors back in the palaces?" They are, only now they're us. Against our will.
He's listing all our allies again. (This happens 3 times in a half hour speech) Britain, Poland? El Salvador, Macedonia? Khazakstan? Estonia? Is he fucking kidding? He's blaming the continuing problems on AlQueda, refuses to even suggest the idea that the Iraqi's might not want an occupying army driving around their country in tanks.
Now there's a "intercepted terrrorist planning document" Sounds like fake intelligence again. Not surprisingly we're supposed to be EVEN MORE AFRAID than we're already supposed to be.
He keeps listing countries to give the impression that we're not alone. We are. Period. Britain alone does not the world make.
He's talking about places where a democratic movement took hold and changed a region of the world. Democracy in Poland leading to Eastern European democracies. The difference? Poland didn't have another country come in and FORCE them to have "democracy." There's a difference between an INTERNAL democratic movement and a EXTERNAL FORCED ONE.
"May God bless our efforts." Your God sucks buddy, please keep him to yourself.

Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Rumsfeld got totally busted out on Meet the Press. Bold faced lie, thrown up in his face. It's totally classic! WATCH IT HERE

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Howard Stern

I'm gonna say straight away, I'm not a Stern booster. He's a smidge funny, but just a smidge. For the most part I think he's a misogynist jerk. I liked when he went off on Rosie for attacking Tom Sellick about gun control when she did KMART commercials and they sell guns and ammo. I also liked when he passed the law that said no roadwork was allowed before 10pm. Good common sense stuff.
Then Stern started to criticize his holiness the surpassed and his administration about their handling of the Iraq war. All of a sudden Clear Channel decides to throw him off the air. Out of the clear blue sky.
Coincidence? Nope. And the next thing Bush knows he's got Stern all the way down his throat. When Howard gets on something he's not kidding around. And thank God, for once he's picked a soap box worth climbing onto.
Now he's rabidly going after Bush like a pitbull on a steak bone.
To a caller on Tues the 16th of March, "Your so called President has admitted to branding people in his fraternity. I mean that's the equivalent of burning people with cigarettes. You know who else burns people with cigarettes? Serial Killers!"
That hilariously snarky comment aside, for the most part Stern's looking at the big picture. High gas prices, tax hikes for the rich, sweetheart deals for Halliburton, and the fact that the War on Terrorism is being fought in the least responsible way possible. He's pulling this different threads together and arguing against Bush to people that usually wouldn't hear such information. If Shrub's gigantic war chest fails him then I think Stern will have something to do with it. Karl Rove knows this too, Stern's been pulled from several battleground states, including Florida. Again, coincidence? I think not. This is one to watch no doubt.
Democracy in Action

Hey! I voted today. I love voting, especially since I consistently back the losing guy. For example, I voted for Dennis Kucinich for everything. He should win, but he's not gonna. Still, it feels good to vote my conscience and not just for the "sure thing" like all the folks who don't really like Kerry but are going to vote for him anyway. He's got the thing locked, we should vote for a candidate, not against one.
I was a little bummed I couldn't vote Green locally and Democratic nationally, but oh well.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

The Price of Dissent

Here's a list of stuff the Shrub White House has done to intimidate those who dissent against it's authority. There's quite a few with links to the original stories.
In Rememberance of the Election of 2004.

For those who don't remember (or don't know) how The Shrubster stole the Florida election, here's a reminder.