North Korean Blast- This is getting ridiculous.
Read this and compare it to this and this. Then there's this early report from Canada that pretty much says it was a nuclear test.
In a nutshell. Now NKorea is saying there was no explosion. There was no mushroom cloud. There was an explosion (even though there wasn't) but it was part of a hydro/electric dam project. An explanation that wasn't offered until 5 days after the incident and no foriegn representatives were allowed to the "site" for a week. Something really stinks on this. I wish Canada or some non-American stooley representative would tell us what's going on.
Fat chance- but I've got my fingers crossed.
Friday, September 17, 2004
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Well, apparantly the dems have been visiting my blog because it appears Kerry has finally remembered that he's running for President and not wuss-boy of the democratic party. I don't think it's a coincidence that a few weeks after Clinton's people showed up Kerry changed tactics and stopped being a nancy-boy. Clinton was a mediocre Pres. at best, but he knew how to work the system. The Repubs might have kicked him around, but there's little doubt he would've won a third term if he could have run for it. Two days of standing up and calling Bush the lying little prig that he is and W's lead vanishes in the polls. We'll see if Kerry can maintain the track he's on- he's known for great impromptu zingers in debates, so there's hope- such as it is.
We shall see. If Kerry fights this'll be a hell of a race. If he backs down or blinks- he's through.
Well, apparantly the dems have been visiting my blog because it appears Kerry has finally remembered that he's running for President and not wuss-boy of the democratic party. I don't think it's a coincidence that a few weeks after Clinton's people showed up Kerry changed tactics and stopped being a nancy-boy. Clinton was a mediocre Pres. at best, but he knew how to work the system. The Repubs might have kicked him around, but there's little doubt he would've won a third term if he could have run for it. Two days of standing up and calling Bush the lying little prig that he is and W's lead vanishes in the polls. We'll see if Kerry can maintain the track he's on- he's known for great impromptu zingers in debates, so there's hope- such as it is.
We shall see. If Kerry fights this'll be a hell of a race. If he backs down or blinks- he's through.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
2 stories apparantly not worth discussing
There are 2 stories that seem ENORMOUS to me that I cannot find any decent information about AT ALL.
First there is the 2 1/2 mile explosion with a mushroom cloud in North Korea that happened LAST Thursday Sept. 9. We've said the explosion wasn't nuclear- but we give no further explanation. NUTS.
Second is Russia. Yesterday Putin essentially gutted the Democratic reforms of the previous decade and a half and returned the country to a Dictatorship. You'd think that would be news. But it isn't. Why? Becuase he took a page from Karl Rove's playbook to do it. Putin is using the Chechnya/terrorist thing to complete revert Russia back to the good old days of one-party rule. We should never forget this guy is an ex-KGB officer.
Both of these stories have one thing in common. They are very damaging to the Bush white house. Korea has been ignored by them and even setting off nuclear explosions in their own country cannot get anyone's attention. The Bushies don't want us to talk about the Putin thing either becuase people might correlate Putin's message with Bush's. An easy thing to do since they are essentially saying the same thing. Terrorism= a battle we must do whatever we have to do in order to win. Including destroying the very ideals that makes the society worth living in in the first place.
There are 2 stories that seem ENORMOUS to me that I cannot find any decent information about AT ALL.
First there is the 2 1/2 mile explosion with a mushroom cloud in North Korea that happened LAST Thursday Sept. 9. We've said the explosion wasn't nuclear- but we give no further explanation. NUTS.
Second is Russia. Yesterday Putin essentially gutted the Democratic reforms of the previous decade and a half and returned the country to a Dictatorship. You'd think that would be news. But it isn't. Why? Becuase he took a page from Karl Rove's playbook to do it. Putin is using the Chechnya/terrorist thing to complete revert Russia back to the good old days of one-party rule. We should never forget this guy is an ex-KGB officer.
Both of these stories have one thing in common. They are very damaging to the Bush white house. Korea has been ignored by them and even setting off nuclear explosions in their own country cannot get anyone's attention. The Bushies don't want us to talk about the Putin thing either becuase people might correlate Putin's message with Bush's. An easy thing to do since they are essentially saying the same thing. Terrorism= a battle we must do whatever we have to do in order to win. Including destroying the very ideals that makes the society worth living in in the first place.
why the dems make my head hurt
The following is an email- I get about one a day- just asking me for money.
We are at one of the defining moments of this campaign -- one of those points we will look back on when we win. We will remember that George Bush and Dick Cheney tried to completely ignore reality -- and we will remember that we stood side by side and refused to let them get away with it.
George Bush and Dick Cheney wake up every morning with their fingers crossed, hoping the American people will ignore their miserable record, forget their trail of failures, and fear the future. But with your help, we are going to make sure that the American people see through their bluster and posturing, and see what a mess they have made. true- but it isn't a reason to vote for Kerry.
Please make a contribution to the Democratic Party today:
George Bush and Dick Cheney have lost over a million jobs, made our health care crisis worse, and turned record budget surpluses into record deficits. They misled America into war, failed to plan for the peace, and are running up a $200 billion bill at the expense of America's middle class taxpayers. again, all true- but Kerry voted for the war and view on tax cuts which are the best thing about his whole gig in my opinion, isn't even mentioned. (For those that don't know he wants to eliminate the tax cut for those who make over 200K a year and leave what meager relief there is for the other 98% of us.)
And now they are acting like they are doing us a favor by standing for re-election. They even have the gall to tell the American people how risky it would be if we turned them out of office.
The biggest risk to America's future is four more years of Bush-Cheney's incompetence, misinformation, and ill intent. It might be risky. There's a few indications that Kerry could be like Lydon Johnson- a believer that the answer to turn around a failing war is to send in more troops.
Don't let Bush, Cheney and the Republican Party run away from their record. Send a "Don't yield an inch" contribution to the Democratic Party right now:
There are seven critical weeks left in this campaign. There will be moments when everything seems to be going our way -- and times when we will wish events were moving in a different direction. But we will never lose faith. We will never stop working for victory. And we will never yield an inch to our opponents.
Remember this: they are the ones who are hoping and praying that reality does not catch up with them by Election Day. We are the ones who are going to make sure that it does.
The rest of this campaign will be tough. But, we will be tougher. They will throw everything they have at us. But we will give as good as we get. And when the dust settles on Election Day, we are going to pull through to victory. I hope they mean this- cause they've been getting waxed.
Thank you for all you have done to help me, John Edwards and other Democratic candidates. And, most of all, thank you for standing with us through thick and thin. Together, we will win.
Thank you,
Notice that he never once asks for my vote. Like he's entitled to it because the corporate wing of the Dem. party annointed him King.
Of course I prefer Kerry to Bush- but man, it just really bothers me that we're stuck with this damn lesser of two evils thing again.
The following is an email- I get about one a day- just asking me for money.
We are at one of the defining moments of this campaign -- one of those points we will look back on when we win. We will remember that George Bush and Dick Cheney tried to completely ignore reality -- and we will remember that we stood side by side and refused to let them get away with it.
George Bush and Dick Cheney wake up every morning with their fingers crossed, hoping the American people will ignore their miserable record, forget their trail of failures, and fear the future. But with your help, we are going to make sure that the American people see through their bluster and posturing, and see what a mess they have made. true- but it isn't a reason to vote for Kerry.
Please make a contribution to the Democratic Party today:
George Bush and Dick Cheney have lost over a million jobs, made our health care crisis worse, and turned record budget surpluses into record deficits. They misled America into war, failed to plan for the peace, and are running up a $200 billion bill at the expense of America's middle class taxpayers. again, all true- but Kerry voted for the war and view on tax cuts which are the best thing about his whole gig in my opinion, isn't even mentioned. (For those that don't know he wants to eliminate the tax cut for those who make over 200K a year and leave what meager relief there is for the other 98% of us.)
And now they are acting like they are doing us a favor by standing for re-election. They even have the gall to tell the American people how risky it would be if we turned them out of office.
The biggest risk to America's future is four more years of Bush-Cheney's incompetence, misinformation, and ill intent. It might be risky. There's a few indications that Kerry could be like Lydon Johnson- a believer that the answer to turn around a failing war is to send in more troops.
Don't let Bush, Cheney and the Republican Party run away from their record. Send a "Don't yield an inch" contribution to the Democratic Party right now:
There are seven critical weeks left in this campaign. There will be moments when everything seems to be going our way -- and times when we will wish events were moving in a different direction. But we will never lose faith. We will never stop working for victory. And we will never yield an inch to our opponents.
Remember this: they are the ones who are hoping and praying that reality does not catch up with them by Election Day. We are the ones who are going to make sure that it does.
The rest of this campaign will be tough. But, we will be tougher. They will throw everything they have at us. But we will give as good as we get. And when the dust settles on Election Day, we are going to pull through to victory. I hope they mean this- cause they've been getting waxed.
Thank you for all you have done to help me, John Edwards and other Democratic candidates. And, most of all, thank you for standing with us through thick and thin. Together, we will win.
Thank you,
Notice that he never once asks for my vote. Like he's entitled to it because the corporate wing of the Dem. party annointed him King.
Of course I prefer Kerry to Bush- but man, it just really bothers me that we're stuck with this damn lesser of two evils thing again.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Hiatus Ends
Hey everyone- sorry about the long absence. I've been focusing on finishing a readable draft of Ialtaboath and getting started on the new book- more details on that later. I've been following the politics all along, but its been really frustrating to watch.
Bush and his flunkys are making Nixon look like a guy who likes a fair fight. Not since Max Cleland have they been willing to punch this far South of the border. And you better believe they have an October surprise just waiting to be launched. (As I and many others having been predicting since last year. So why is it working? Because Kerry is a wuss who deserves the drubbing he's going to get. (I'm currently guessing Bush will win by a wide margin 10-15 points. OH CANADA!)
When a draft dodging coke head can make a 3 time purple heart winner look like the bigger liability to US foreign policy- well then that 3 time purple heart winner is a fuckin joke and doesn't deserve to be President.
What's really frustrating isn't the candidates, it's us. The people in this country seem to have their heads so far shoved up their own asses we're nearly inside out. That this base- third grade level of political activity is working on a National Level is terrifying. This whole campaign- on both sides- has been run like a couple of 4th graders running for Student Council President. And what's worse? It's working for Bush. Just repeat crazy things until the media says they are true. Repeat ad nauseum. War in Iraq? We're winning. No we're not- but they say it enough most people believe it. Iraq and al Queda? Connected. No there not- but they say it enough and most people believe it. And on and on.
The coming conflict isn't between people, it's within them. We are all going to have to decide each and every one of us. Do we really want to try to do what so many country's have tried to do before us? Do we really want to rule the entire world by force? Is that really what we want? Cause that's where we're headed. Bush has the same kind of ideological glint in his eye that Stalin and Hitler had- and he's probably going to have 4 more years to think of a good reason to cancel election in 2008. The only plus side to a clear cut Bush victory? The really scary scenarios become less likely- the one's I think everyone is a little afraid of- because they won't be necessary. I think this psychological fear will actually keep quite a few Democratic voters away from the polls this year.
At least for now Shrub seems happy keeping most of his bombs and tanks in other countries... as if that makes it OK.
Hey everyone- sorry about the long absence. I've been focusing on finishing a readable draft of Ialtaboath and getting started on the new book- more details on that later. I've been following the politics all along, but its been really frustrating to watch.
Bush and his flunkys are making Nixon look like a guy who likes a fair fight. Not since Max Cleland have they been willing to punch this far South of the border. And you better believe they have an October surprise just waiting to be launched. (As I and many others having been predicting since last year. So why is it working? Because Kerry is a wuss who deserves the drubbing he's going to get. (I'm currently guessing Bush will win by a wide margin 10-15 points. OH CANADA!)
When a draft dodging coke head can make a 3 time purple heart winner look like the bigger liability to US foreign policy- well then that 3 time purple heart winner is a fuckin joke and doesn't deserve to be President.
What's really frustrating isn't the candidates, it's us. The people in this country seem to have their heads so far shoved up their own asses we're nearly inside out. That this base- third grade level of political activity is working on a National Level is terrifying. This whole campaign- on both sides- has been run like a couple of 4th graders running for Student Council President. And what's worse? It's working for Bush. Just repeat crazy things until the media says they are true. Repeat ad nauseum. War in Iraq? We're winning. No we're not- but they say it enough most people believe it. Iraq and al Queda? Connected. No there not- but they say it enough and most people believe it. And on and on.
The coming conflict isn't between people, it's within them. We are all going to have to decide each and every one of us. Do we really want to try to do what so many country's have tried to do before us? Do we really want to rule the entire world by force? Is that really what we want? Cause that's where we're headed. Bush has the same kind of ideological glint in his eye that Stalin and Hitler had- and he's probably going to have 4 more years to think of a good reason to cancel election in 2008. The only plus side to a clear cut Bush victory? The really scary scenarios become less likely- the one's I think everyone is a little afraid of- because they won't be necessary. I think this psychological fear will actually keep quite a few Democratic voters away from the polls this year.
At least for now Shrub seems happy keeping most of his bombs and tanks in other countries... as if that makes it OK.
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