Friday, October 27, 2006


Rush Limbaugh is a fucking moron and we all know it, so there was no reason to be particularly surprised when he started saying some of the most unbelievably stupid shit of his whole career about Michael J. Fox. He's faking? Fuck you Rush, take another pill.
But Katie Couric is SUPPOSED to be a journalist. Now I certainly wouldn't put her in that category, but that was she's supposed to be. Watch the interview she has with Fox HERE
He's shaking uncontrollably- its painful to watch. And this fucking bitch has the nerve to question him OVER AND OVER AND OVER about whether or not Rush has made a point worth hearing. I wonder Katie, how you would've reacted to someone telling you your beloved husband who died was faking his cancer. Huh Bitch? No response?
I didn't think so.
I hope both of your dreams are visited by the demons that clearly dwell in your souls.
And on behalf of humanity, I apologize to Michael J Fox. Some people are still goddamn gorillas.