Friday, October 15, 2004

For all y'all with the yellow ribbons who plan to vote for the Cheatin' Dubya.

Amply supplied troops?

Go ahead. Say it's because Kerry voted against the 87 milliion- which was actually a protest vote against Halliburton's free cash giveaway.

He got his money. The troops are in a terrible place- unequipped, outnumbered, and unsafe. They should be back home here with us. If wanting people to not die is unAmerican. Then so be it.

Send Bush home to Texas and bring our troops home for Valentines Day!
Cheater Cheater Cheater!!!!!

It's a little hard to believe, but Bush wore the wire again in the 3rd debate. Salon has a great picture of it although you'll have to go through some bullshit to actually read the article that accompanies the terrific photo of Bush's bulging back.

Sorry to keep hyping on this- but if he's willing to cheat like this in a simple (albeit important for his personal political future) debate- just try to imagine the level of deceit going on about the really important issues that effect everyone in this country- indeed around the entire globe.


They've even got their own ketchup now!

Yup. The Republicans now have their own ketchup so they don't have to support Kerry.
(Be sure to look at the About W ketchup section- for some reason there's a picture of Ronald Reagan. Also be sure to notice that everything is made in America- but they don't mention any states.. Hmm.)

Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Final Presidential Debate

Bush got his clock cleaned.
It's not just because he was babbling like a loon half the time- it was Kerry's performance. While Bush just attacked Kerry as a Liberal, the only thing he really had was "he voted to raise taxes 96 times" Kerry read laundry lists of Bush screw-ups, and one of which could have been used in his non-answer to the last debates question of, "What mistakes have you made?" Kerry explained in remarkably coherent detail how he was going to pay for his plans. Frankly I was shocked he did it. Most politicians are terrified to stake out positions so publicly. I'm not saying his ideas will necessarily work- but at least he's actually explaining what he thinks. I think this tactic wins him swing votes. Bush had no plan at all. Kerry represents an alternative that comes across as well thought out. I mean, Bush has us back at trickle down economics for fucks sake.
The one thing the Bushy Administration doesn't want is the question to come down to stubborn resolve vs. the ability to change position in the light of new facts. People want resolve. They don't want insane ideological certainty. They don't want the pushy husband who refuses to admit he doesn't know where he is when you've been driving around in circles for 4 hours. You gotta stop for directions sometimes- the people know that.
Oh, and I'm sorry, but when the President talks about his faith I get freaked out.
Not that he has faith, that's way cool by me, it's that his kind of faith is almost desperate- He needs God to be on his side- otherwise he might have to actually face the fact he's one of the worst Presidents in the history of this country.
Clearly his handlers are well aware of how thin the reality of his poll numbers really are becuase he keeps cheating. Now they're throwing out Democratic voter registration cards. It seems to have be a concerted effort- all funded by the RNC. If this pops before the election- Bush is fucko.
And yeah, in case you've forgotten, he also likes to cheat some more. There were several times last night I would've bet money he was listening to something in his ear. He'd usually say a name or fact immediatly afterward. Of course, I was looking for it- so I might be biased.
Speaking of the "Is Bush wired" question, did anyone else notice how badly distorted his reception was for the first two or three minutes of the debate last night? It was an echoey feedback, you know, the kind you can get when you bring two microphones too close together.

Bill O Reilly- Right Wing Ideologue or Freaky Sex Pervert?

Apparantly Bill O Reilly is getting sued for sexually harrassing an ex-employee Andrea Mackris. While normally one would doubt such claims, this particular instance seems to be different becuase, as the Smoking Gun points out, there are long transcripts of Bill O Reilly's words that are quoted VERBATIM, which seems to indicate there is a tape. And if there is, O Reilly is TOAST. Bye Bye and SHUT UP!