Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Thanks alot Texas and Ohio (and to a lesser extent, Rhode Island)

(Before reading this you should know I don't really like Obama any more than I like Hillary- but I do have a strong dislike of McCain and its my concern over his being elected that prompts the following)
Well, the Democrats have managed to do it again. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. All I could do was watch and shake my head in annoyance as 2 1/2 states managed to magically overrule a 12 state winning streak in the eyes of the media. If I didn't know better, I'd think they had a stake in the horse race continuing... oh, wait.
So, since the people in Texas and Ohio are apparantly too racist to vote for Obama or at the very least too stupid to know what letting Hillary win would mean (for the primary race- if the situation was reversed and Obama was behind I'd feel the same way), the race now drags out for another month or so with both candidates turning more and more negative- while McCain continues to get himself serviced by our hooker media.
This reeks of Mondale/Hart and it makes my head hurt. The Democratic establishment is clearly afraid of Obama and they're going to crucify him- even if it means ruining either candidates chances of winning in the process. I'm not really sure what they're so worried about- it certainly isn't his positions on the issues- which means it probably goes back to the one thing that seems to rule everything in our broken democracy- the MONEY! Obama, like Dean before him, is raising money from people, not from the rich- and there's nothing the establishment hates more than ordinary people or candidates who are actually appealing to us.
And clearly Hillary doesn't give a fuck- she wants to be president and she'll flame the whole party if that's what it takes. The past few weeks has made it pretty obvious there's no limit on how far she'll go- which you'd think would worry the establishment- but it doesn't seem to- which is weird.
Anyway, prepare for months of Obama is a Muslim innuendo and watch as our prestige in the rest of the world finds an even lower opinion of us. Good job Ohioian Texans- the rubes win again!

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