Sunday, March 07, 2004

Anthony Scalia is a Rat

I know this story isn't exactly brand new but I just came across it and it too falls under the "Why the hell isn't this on the front page of every newspaper in America" column.
Dick Cheney has refused for a couple of years now to so much as release a list of people he met with in creating the W administration's energy policy. It is a well known secret that most of the people his Lord Voldemort talked to were multinational energy corporations who many groups have accused of literally writing the energy policy. (There are too many to link to, just google search Dick Cheney Energy Policy controversy.)
Cheney keeps getting sued over it and in January the Supreme Court upheld the idea that he didn't have to release the records. Anthony Scalia, Supreme Court Justice was apparently playing golf with Cheney A WEEK before he ruled on the case. Bad enough, apparently he then did the same thing with another guy, a Kansas Law School Dean.
Scalia was also one of two justices, Clarence Thomas being the other, who had family members who directly benefitted from W stealing the election. Impeachment proceedings should be well on their way. But they're not, and they surely won't be for some time. Are there any non-criminals in government right now?

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