Thursday, April 01, 2004


So it's finally here. The long touted Democratic answer to the Rush Limbaughs and Sean Hannitys of the world. Democrat radio. Notice I'm not saying progressive radio, I'm saying Democrat radio.
Al Franken's a funny guy. But he's a Democrat in the Clinton tradition. He refuses to see the corporate takeover that's tainted his buddies. He's not progressive, even if he is a lot of times. He's someone touting a company line. Not to mention the fact one of his first guests was G. GOrdon Liddy. Already they're making gross errors in characterization. Al had Michael Moore on Wednesday and on Thursday he characterized the guy as a Gore supporter because he pointed out that GOre won the 2000 election.
Michael Moore in no way supported GOre against Bush. He called them Gush and Bore. He talked about the way they agreed about everything in the debates. I personally listened to Moore speak at a Nader rally at UIC in Chicago. Progressive voices are trying to get the "Democrats" to realize they've become the same thing as "Republicans" both of which should be called, "Corporate whores." I'm afraid the way the Air America Radio is going now it's just going to be a classic example yet again of the Chomskian Propaganda model. Two sides, the appearance of debate, while the true issues are patently ignored. We'll see.
Still, Chuck D rules and even though some moron put him on the morning show he's going to be the kind of person the station is going to have to build around if they want to be really successful. Smart, articulate, and LOUD. They should give Jello Biafra and Henry Rollins a show too. Michael Moore should have a show; and Warren Beatty with Tim Robbins. John Cusak can do sports. If they get the right people the station could potentially be hugely important.

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