Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Kerry and Nader

I am one of the minority of people that doesn't think that John Kerry has the right to my vote simply because the Corporate Arm of the Dems get him nominated. I have, up to this point, been a supporter of Nader. But then, at some point during the day yesterday, I heard a much better idea on the increasingly wonderful Air America radio.
John Kerry should call up Nader and offer him the job of Head of the SEC; (Securities and Exchange Commision) the agency in charge of keeping an eye on corporations. Then, if Nader accepts it, the Progressives in the party know there's someone hardcore going after the Corporados.
If Kerry offers the job publicly, and Nader rejects it, Nader's support evaporates like a glass of water on the sun becuase it shows he's not really concerned with anything other than being president, which isn't a good thing. I think he'd accept the job though, I really do. I know I'd feel better if I knew Kerry was insightful and clever enough to think of this on his own and the fact that neither Ralph's nor Kerry's people haven't yet isn't a good sign for either candidate.

Also, too many people are dying in Iraq. This is getting really scary. Please BRING THE SOLDIERS HOME! NO WAR FOR HALLIBURTON!

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