Friday, June 04, 2004


Sorry I've been silent all this time, but I've been concentrating on finishing the 1st draft of my newest (and 4th) novel, Ialtaboath. An accomplishment I just officially achieved a few minutes ago.
I'm really proud of it.

A brief summary:
It's the story of 2 archeologists Nina Adams and Elias Spade, who discover a Gnostic temple in the desert on the outskirts of Cairo and an ex-student of Elias named Harry Bonden who gets involved with a secret religious cult known as The Family. The cult leaders believe there is a great secret connected to the temple Nina and Elias discovered. A secret that challenges our most basic assumptions about God.
Its a rollicking and humorous adventure story that just happens to be about free will and the very nature of our existence.

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