Monday, September 12, 2005

Lying Liars and the Lies They Lie

There are 2 places everyone should visit.

First, go HERE to read about how the shitheads tried to manipulate the press regarding the hurricaine and most disgustingly- the way they were trying to manipulate fire-fighters who were supposed to be dispatched to fight the fires that cropped up throughout the city.

Then, go HERE to listen to the Hurricaine Katrina episode of my favorit radio show This American Life. (The episode in question is called "After the Flood") You will hear first hand accounts of how the cops and soldiers were firing weapons at people to prevent them from crossing bridges out of New Orleans. They weren't helping anyone that was suffering, they were shooting at them and stopping them from leaving. Remember these stories the next time some asshole tells you that "they should've just left."

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