Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Trojan Horse?

Okay, I take back my earlier ridicule. In retrospect it is quickly becoming apparant that Harriet Miers was yet another master move by the remarkably evil Karl Rove. Really, you gotta love the guy.
Whenever Bush talks about Miers he has that little kid with a secret look on his face as he insists that he "knows her heart." He had a similar look in in his eye when he talked about not having plans to attack Iraq. You can almost hear him thinking "wink wink nudge nudge"
Something makes me think that Stealth Conservative might be quite a bit of an understatement. I bet she's told him point blank that she'll do all kinds of nutty shit- not that either of them will admit it. Lawyer-client privilege.
If this is a Rove plot- and in this world turned upside down- nothing can ever be known for sure- then having the "base" express outrage at her nomination was a brilliant piece of political propaganda. If the winguts are angry- why on earth should we worry about her?
But think about it- this woman is (as of now) looking about 95% to be confirmed (I take back what I said about her joining the Bork Squad) and we know NOTHING about her- not really. And we won't either. We don't have a clue about John Roberts either- and he's already Chief Justice- that's 2 wildcards who's ideology we won't know until it's too late.
She went to a crappy law school, ran a lottery board- sat on a city council for one term- got into Shrub's pocket and now she's going into the Supreme Court. Instead of being a laughing stock she's got a good shot.
Rove- you truly are an evil genius- even if you end up in jail for the Plame thing you'll have succeeding in sucking up our country for the next 20 years at least- You fuckin' suck.

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