Friday, March 19, 2004


Bush's Speech about Iraq and Terrorism on 3/19/2004
He's about to begin, I'm gonna assume what he says is going to be stupid. Let's see, shall we?
He's standing in front of a whole bunch of world flags, like he's talking to the UN.
He says anyone not with us isn't worried about terrorism. Idiot.
Terrorists "Murder at random and without remorse." Yes, so do cluster bombs and Depleted Uranium Munitions.
He's kissing Spains ass. "The civilized world is at war." "THEY've targeted Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan." Not us, them; we've not targeted Muslims.
Each attack must be answered...with greater determination. deeper resolve and bolder action."
He keeps saying "fight" and "destroy."
Says Terrorists give less value on life while we have AN ENTIRE ARMY occupying a 2 countries.
"We must be certain of convictions. We do love life." Who's he trying to convince? Himself?
"There's no neutral ground between good and evil, freedom and slavery, life and death." ORWELL ORWELL ORWELL.
He still hasn't learned why they're mad at us. "No accomodation will satisfy their endless demands." That's crap. Ask the IRA.
He's trying to link AlQueda to every terrorist on the whole planet, like they have tea together or something.
He keeps listing countries that are our "allies" like Howard Dean listing the states in his infamous speech. WHoo HAAA.
He mentions that Pakistan sold nuclear stuff to Iran, yet they're our allies?!
He's trying to say that things aren't a total mess in Afghanistan. It's a nightmare there. The government only exists in the capital city Kabul. Everything else is controlled by warlords. "That nation has a democratic government????? Warlords are democratic now?
Says we entered Iraq to uphold UN sanctions. Does he say they had WMD? NO. No he did not. FUCKER! This man is such a lying asshole, I can't even stand it. Why aren't people throwing tomatoes at him?
"There's still violent thugs and murderers in Iraq." Yeah. Us. "Do we want the oppressors back in the palaces?" They are, only now they're us. Against our will.
He's listing all our allies again. (This happens 3 times in a half hour speech) Britain, Poland? El Salvador, Macedonia? Khazakstan? Estonia? Is he fucking kidding? He's blaming the continuing problems on AlQueda, refuses to even suggest the idea that the Iraqi's might not want an occupying army driving around their country in tanks.
Now there's a "intercepted terrrorist planning document" Sounds like fake intelligence again. Not surprisingly we're supposed to be EVEN MORE AFRAID than we're already supposed to be.
He keeps listing countries to give the impression that we're not alone. We are. Period. Britain alone does not the world make.
He's talking about places where a democratic movement took hold and changed a region of the world. Democracy in Poland leading to Eastern European democracies. The difference? Poland didn't have another country come in and FORCE them to have "democracy." There's a difference between an INTERNAL democratic movement and a EXTERNAL FORCED ONE.
"May God bless our efforts." Your God sucks buddy, please keep him to yourself.

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