Friday, March 19, 2004

MSNBC and "Photo Propoganda"

Check out this bit of political propoganda.

You'll notice there are no American casualties. The only Iraqi casualty shown was killed by a terrorist bomb. Out of 30 pictures: 8 show US troops being either brave or compassionate. The only Iraqi body killed by us is showing only the hands. The one US casualty that's mentioned shows a family member reacting to the news. No mention there was 571 other phone calls last year for the same reason. Not one picture of one of our own wounded of which there's been 3,254 as of 3/19. The truth is that war isn't in any way glorious. There is no victory. Only the succession of violence. If you haven't read Chomsky on why these are the pictures MSNBC chose, you can here.


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