Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Democratic Convention '04 --or-- I think I'm gonna puke.

"We don't want to offend anyone or Bush-Bash"

Pathetic.  Wimpy, pathetic, lame, sorry bastards.  You should be ashamed of yourselves.

About 2% of "expected voters" are undecided.  50% of the country doesn't vote at all.
So who does Kerry go after?  The 2% of voters who are somehow so stupid and spineless they haven't been able to figure out if they want Insano Bush to rule the world for 4 more years of scandal and war.
The 50%+ who don't vote, nobody's talking to them at all.  There's several million votes just waiting for John Kerry to remember what party he's in.  Al Gore was prevented from giving the speech he deserved to give, the one where he rips the pretender to the throne a new asshole and gut punches the democratic senatorial leadership who refused to allow the House to combat the Supreme Court's illegal hijacking of the election.  (Se  Farenheit 9/11 for the painful footage of this atroctiy.)  There are a whole lot of us out here who want an ass-kicker.  That's why Mike Moore and John Stewart's Daily Show are so popular.  They're kicking ass, but with vicious humor instead of vicious vitriole. They show their anger, but they use humor which makes it inclusive. I mean these guys are just sitting ducks, every time W opens his mouth what comes out is either a mushmouthed babble or a lie. 
So why don't the Dems court the progressive wing of the party?  The several million of us (80,000 of which are in Florida a key swing state) who either voted for Nader or didn't vote at all becuase no one represents us at all.  And now, even when 95% of the delegates INSIDE the convention center prefer "total withdrawal from Iraq" IMMEDIATLY, not only will the war not be directly criticized, Kerry doesn't even stand for ending the fucking thing. 
Spineless wimpy shithead.  He thinks being a push-over wuss is going to make the 2% think he can be a good strong leader.  He looks like the little boy who tells the bully, "Not only am I not going fight you, I'm going to pretend you don't exist at all and stand here talking about what a nice fella I am."
What are you nuts?  Ask any kid what happens next.  The bully stomps your guts.  You don't have to fight the same way as the bully, but you have to acknowledge the guy's existence. 
Which means we're gonna be stuck with 4 more years.
I'm gonna be sick...

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