Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Hiatus Ends

Hey everyone- sorry about the long absence. I've been focusing on finishing a readable draft of Ialtaboath and getting started on the new book- more details on that later. I've been following the politics all along, but its been really frustrating to watch.
Bush and his flunkys are making Nixon look like a guy who likes a fair fight. Not since Max Cleland have they been willing to punch this far South of the border. And you better believe they have an October surprise just waiting to be launched. (As I and many others having been predicting since last year. So why is it working? Because Kerry is a wuss who deserves the drubbing he's going to get. (I'm currently guessing Bush will win by a wide margin 10-15 points. OH CANADA!)
When a draft dodging coke head can make a 3 time purple heart winner look like the bigger liability to US foreign policy- well then that 3 time purple heart winner is a fuckin joke and doesn't deserve to be President.
What's really frustrating isn't the candidates, it's us. The people in this country seem to have their heads so far shoved up their own asses we're nearly inside out. That this base- third grade level of political activity is working on a National Level is terrifying. This whole campaign- on both sides- has been run like a couple of 4th graders running for Student Council President. And what's worse? It's working for Bush. Just repeat crazy things until the media says they are true. Repeat ad nauseum. War in Iraq? We're winning. No we're not- but they say it enough most people believe it. Iraq and al Queda? Connected. No there not- but they say it enough and most people believe it. And on and on.
The coming conflict isn't between people, it's within them. We are all going to have to decide each and every one of us. Do we really want to try to do what so many country's have tried to do before us? Do we really want to rule the entire world by force? Is that really what we want? Cause that's where we're headed. Bush has the same kind of ideological glint in his eye that Stalin and Hitler had- and he's probably going to have 4 more years to think of a good reason to cancel election in 2008. The only plus side to a clear cut Bush victory? The really scary scenarios become less likely- the one's I think everyone is a little afraid of- because they won't be necessary. I think this psychological fear will actually keep quite a few Democratic voters away from the polls this year.
At least for now Shrub seems happy keeping most of his bombs and tanks in other countries... as if that makes it OK.

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