Thursday, September 16, 2004


Well, apparantly the dems have been visiting my blog because it appears Kerry has finally remembered that he's running for President and not wuss-boy of the democratic party. I don't think it's a coincidence that a few weeks after Clinton's people showed up Kerry changed tactics and stopped being a nancy-boy. Clinton was a mediocre Pres. at best, but he knew how to work the system. The Repubs might have kicked him around, but there's little doubt he would've won a third term if he could have run for it. Two days of standing up and calling Bush the lying little prig that he is and W's lead vanishes in the polls. We'll see if Kerry can maintain the track he's on- he's known for great impromptu zingers in debates, so there's hope- such as it is.
We shall see. If Kerry fights this'll be a hell of a race. If he backs down or blinks- he's through.

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